Wednesday, January 27, 2010


At the end of last winter I promised myself I would be better about taking the girls outside this winter. Until yesterday I had not lived up to this promise. It has been so cold and so easy to stay inside. So easy until I realize that both girls are literally bouncing off the walls. All of Caroline's sensory issues are coming back- after seeming so much better since last spring. Katherine is building obstacle courses throughout the house that get more and more dangerous each day.

Yesterday, the girls played outside with one of our neighbors and I realized that the girls didn't care it was cold. They just wanted to run and jump and skip. They played chase and Duck, Duck, Goose. At one point, the mail man arrived and they even included him in the game as he walked past. The girls laid on the frozen ground and looked at the clouds. Katherine shouted, "I see a cloud that looks like a balloon." You could see her breath but she didn't mind.

So... today, when the girls asked to go to the playground, I ignored my first response. It was cold and late. But we went anyway. The picture above shows both how dark it became as the girls continued to play but also how happy they remained.

Let's hope I remember today as the weather gets colder.


At January 27, 2010 at 11:24 PM , Blogger justme said...

i am the same way i hate the cold and my poor kids....

At January 29, 2010 at 1:56 PM , Blogger Caroline said...

I don't have such cold weather to overcome as you, but I still have to remind myself to get the kids to the playground every day. Even when it's raining they have fun, and then everybody's in a better mood when we come home!


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