Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Twas the Season

What a busy few days! For the most part, I'll let the pictures do the talking..

Our celebrating began on Thursday when my cousin Emily, her partner Amy and their little girl Payson joined us for dinner. Emily and Amy live in New Hapshire so we don't see them often and in fact not at all since Payson was born two and half years ago. Based on the fun we all had together, hopefully we will be seeing them all more often in the future. The best pictures I have of our get together include the ones in which Payson snuck up stairs after Emily had gotten her in her jammies, stripped to a pull up and put on Katherine's dress shoes. Katherine immediately followed while Caroline, continuing to play the role of the big girl that she assumed all evening, remained clothed. So I will refrain from posting two nearly naked girls although the pictures were so cute it is tempting...
Here are the pictures that passed the censors... Unfortunately there are no pictures of Katherine enjoying her cousins as she was naked in them all and there are no pictures of Amy although she did keep her clothes on so I'm not sure why her pictures are missing!
Our fun of Thursday continued into Friday when we went with Mom to Rob's parents to enjoy the seven fishes with Karen and her family. Again our pictures don't truly tell the tale as we only have pictures before we went. Once at our celebration, the girls had a great time running around with their cousins counting down the hours until Santa would arrive at each of their house.

And then the big day arrived...


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