Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Clever, Sort of...

Katherine continues to be much more mischievous than we ever thought she would be. I can remember sitting with her on the couch when she was an infant thinking, "Ah...we have a calm baby, finally!"

Calm would most definitely not describe my jumper, climber and trouble maker these days. Recently, she has come up with a plan to get away with her often dangerous adventures. I walked into her room the other day to find Katherine climbing on her windowsill. When she saw the look of horror on my face, she stated "Go away so you can't see me."

Pretty clever except that these words are now my tip off that something is coming... I remain grateful that, for now, I am still smarter than my three year old...


At September 1, 2009 at 3:20 PM , Blogger sara mann said...

she and susanna must be in cahoots. i always know susanna's up to no good when she calls from the other room, "mommy, don't see me!"


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