Friday, June 6, 2008

Booking Through Thursday

I have stumbled upon such a fun new site- Booking Through Thursday. There is a question about reading posted every Thursday just waiting to be answered... And yes, I know it is Friday!

This weeks question reads...

Have your book-tastes changed over the years? More fiction? Less? Books that are darker and more serious? Lighter and more frivolous? Challenging? Easy? How-to books over novels? Mysteries over Romance?

I have been reader for as long as I can remember. It has defined me always. When Caroline was born, nearly five years ago, I brought the most recently released Harry Potter with me to the hospital. I guess that shows how much I knew about reading and how little I knew about labor and delivery but anyway, I digress. I remember resting that huge book on my still puffy belly a few days later when I returned home. I still read every night before sleeping even when I was barely sleeping.

What I have found is that while I still read my beloved fiction, easy stories that are devoured more than read, I now read other things too. I read a lot more non-fiction- parenting books but also those about nutrition, religion, politics. My need to understand the world so that I can explain it to my girls has driven me to the library- the place I always go for help. I also read all the mommy lit that I can get my hands on... Not only the fun and frivolous fiction about life as a mom but also the meaningful accounts of what real mommy-hood, the down and dirty of it, is like. These books have made me laugh, cry and feel connected.

Off to read my latest mom lit selection right now!


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